LaKind Associates, LLC

Judy LaKind profile

JUDY S. LAKIND, PHD is President of LaKind Associates, LLC and Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine. She is also a Fellow by Courtesy with the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. LaKind served as President of the International Society of Exposure Science.

LAKIND ASSOCIATES, LLC is a human health risk science firm specializing in exposure science and the evaluation of scientific data for regulatory decision-making. Areas of focus include:

  • Assessment of exposure data in epidemiology studies
  • Critical evaluation of state of the science for a wide array of environmental chemicals
  • Primary research in biomonitoring
  • Evaluation of biomonitoring data databases (e.g., National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)
  • Environmental chemicals in human milk
  • Scientific workshop development and management

Environment International

I am pleased to let you know that I am editor for a new type of publication in Environment International: Insights. Insights will be papers on cutting edge aspects of environmental health science.

Interested in seeing an interactive map of PFAS levels for drinking water in the US?

PFAS map
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Please submit your paper on "Environmental Chemicals in Breast Milk and Infant Formula: Measurements, Interpretation and Communication"

You are cordially invited to submit your work to a special issue on “Environmental Chemicals in Breast Milk and Infant Formula: Measurements, Interpretation and Communication” for the Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment (JEEA) (Online ISSN: 2771-5949; (Guest Editors: Dr. Judy S. LaKind (USA) and Prof. José L. Domingo (Spain)). Research that places exposure data into a health, regulatory, or communication context is of particular interest. Potential topics include:

  • Maternal and environmental transfer of environmental chemicals to infants via feeding (measured or modeled);
  • Spatial and temporal distributions of chemicals in sources of infant nutrition;
  • Interpretation of these exposure data in health and/or regulatory contexts;
  • Risk/benefit analyses;
  • Approaches to communication regarding exposure and risk/benefit information and impacts on international breastfeeding rates.

More information can be found at:

Online Continuing Education Module: Chemical Exposures and Health Effects

January 15, 2018

This FREE one hour module will define chemical exposures and health outcomes and provide background on environmental epidemiology and health care provider interests. There is a clear need to evaluate the quality of exposure data and to use carefully conducted systematic reviews to provide a more informed interpretation of studies on exposure-health outcome associations.

Presented by Judy S. LaKind, PhD and sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health with support from the American Chemistry Council.

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